Friday, February 12, 2010

Make Money Working Online - 3 Money Making Tips You Must Know

Making money online isn't an easy task, so I will show you five tips that will help you earn money online. There's many marketing websites and blogs online for making money, but some site make money easily online and other struggle to make money to even maintain the site.
There are a lot of factors to making money online, but here are 5 factors that any business that is successful should follow if they want to earn money online. The 5 tips are not a guarantee on making money online, but it should make your adventure a better one.
Tip One: What are the customer's needs?
Its crucial to know who your visitors are. You're not expected to make a statistical analysis or demographic survey. You are expected to think like the visitor. Are your visitors interested in the products and offers that you have? There are thousands of sites that are visited, but what makes your business unique from the others. What tactics will you use to convince your visitors that you'll have what they are searching for? If you were the visitor, would you visit and buy from your site.
Tip Two: Who are your customers?
Does your business have a site that is suitable for all your specific products or do you have just a generic site? You'll need to target your visitors to get then to browse through your business online. Depending on the traffic to your site, will you make the sales that needs to be met.
Now that you now know who your visitors are and have gained some success in your business, now you will need to know how to make that profit. Do you have offers that are unique? What about exclusive services or products? How about shipping or a free gift with the offer? You need to have some kind of bait that will make your site interesting.
Tip Three: Action, Desire, Interest, and Attention.
There is a proven technique that speaks to the visitors, which could make a sale happen and that are AIDA. Looking online you will see a lot of free articles that are about AIDA. The main focus is to create the focus is getting your visitors to check out your site and give then answers to their search. Now that they have landed on your site give them something that is interesting, that will get their attention that you have what your visitors are searching for.
You can save your visitors time by giving them all the answers, advice, and information they want. Give them reasons why they should trust you since their time is your money. Ask the visitors to buy something either your services or products. You need to ask for their action. The AIDA is effective and simple but it seems sophisticated. In order to success in your business and sales, simplicity is the answer.
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Why blogging is one of the best free ways to make money online

Free Ways To Make Money Online

Why blogging is one of the best free ways
to make money online

Everyone likes something for nothing. And, more than any other medium, the Internet offers unrivalled opportunities to earn some extra cash, or even generate a full-time income -- with very little, or even no, start-up capital.
In fact, you'd be amazed how many people are looking for...
  1. Free ways to make money online
  2. Free information on how to make money online from home
Maybe you even found this article by searching online for one of these very phrases!
So what are all these free ways to make money online?
One way is through a blog -- a frequently updated website containing news, links, and the thoughts of the authors. Blogs are massively popular. At the last count, blog directory was tracking more than 50 million of them!
And one of the reasons for the popularity of blogs is that they can generate an income for the owner -- making blogs one of the best free ways to make money online.
You can start a free blog at or, and there are three proven ways to make money with a blog:
  1. Sign up (for free of course!) to be a Google AdSense publisher: Google AdSense allows you to display text ads on blogs. The ads are related to the blog content. So, if you write an article about dogs, you might see ads for companies selling dog toys, books about dogs, and so on.

    You make money every time someone clicks on an ad on your blog. It's not a lot -- only a few cents per click -- but it can mount up if you target your content to attract higher-value ads. For example, you could write about hot products like home electronics.
  2. Join affiliate programs: You can also promote another company's products on your blog by joining their affiliate program. This time, instead of being paid for every click on an ad, you get paid when someone who clicks through from your site actually makes a purchase. When that happens, you earn a sales commission.

    And the returns can be far higher than AdSense -- even as much as 100% commission!
  3. Ask for donations: If you're an especially good writer, and your blog builds up a loyal readership, you can ask your readers for donations to help keep the blog going. Paypal allows you to accept donations through a "Donate" button on your blog.
So, if making money online is as easy as this, why doesn't everyone profit from all these free ways to make money online?
It's because it's not enough to just read all of the free information on how to make money online from home that you can find in articles like this and sites like You also have to do the work to make it happen, and learn as much about Internet marketing as you can.
Only then will you be able to benefit from the various free ways to make money online like starting a revenue-generating blog.
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